The Healthy Diary Podcast

MAY 27, 2024

Podcast Shownotes

Most women who want to lose weight get discouraged by the idea of having to track their calories and live on a restrictive diet. The idea alone just feels like too much time, effort and mental load to even begin. The good news is that there is a much more simple and sustainable approach to weight loss that doesn’t require calorie counting and that’s what I’m sharing with you today. 

A meal plan that someone else created isn’t the answer. To effectively lose weight and keep it off for good, your food needs to fit into your lifestyle, nourish your body with what it needs and not be a source of stress.

Although calorie counting isn’t necessary for weight loss, it is important to understand that if you want to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. That’s just how it works. So, if you’ve struggled to lose weight in the past, it may simply be because you were consuming more calories than what your body was using. 

The Art of Listening to Your Body

More important than any calorie counting is learning how to listen to your body’s cues. This will truly transform your relationship with food and help you achieve sustainable weight loss. If you feel like you can’t stop eating or that you need to finish everything off your plate, listening to your hunger and fullness cues is a skill that you can learn. If I did it, you can too.

Embrace Nourishment

Have you ever skipped meals due to a busy schedule or relied on coffee to suppress your hunger? Ignoring your body's signals can actually lead to overeating later on. By tuning in to your hunger cues and nourishing your body appropriately, you will prevent mindless snacking and stabilise your energy levels throughout the day.

Honor Your Satisfaction

Many of us were brought up in households where we had to finish all the food on our plates, regardless of hunger. But eating past the point of fullness can sabotage your weight loss efforts because you’re simply eating too much. By stopping when you feel content, you can avoid overeating and maintain a healthy balance in your eating habits. Again, this is a skill that you can learn. It just takes practice.

The Power of Mindful Eating

Practising mindful eating involves savouring each bite, paying attention to how your body responds, and being present during meals. By slowing down and connecting with your food, you give your brain the time it needs to register fullness, leading to more mindful food choices and healthier eating habits.

Embracing Change for Lasting Results

When you shift your focus from restrictive diets to honouring your hunger and fullness cues, and nourishing yourself with protein-rich foods, you will pave the way for effortless weight loss maintenance. 

At the beginning, it will take some work to understand what your body needs and establish new eating behaviours.  But, with practice, these habits will help you lose weight and keep it off long-term. No tracking calories, just being in tune with your body and embracing a healthy lifestyle.


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I'm Angela

Your nutrition bestie, your personal cheer squad and your coach ready to help you ditch the dieting cycle and feel amazing in your skin WITHOUT restrictions, tracking or compromising your tight agenda. 


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